Triple Clicks

Friday, December 6, 2019

Having God in My Heart.... What Does It Mean To Me?

I can remember when I was younger my mom always finding new Bible studies. Always searching for somebody to explain the Bible to her. 

Something about that always made me wonder why.  Now, I can’t say some of those studies weren’t interesting.  I remember a study on the book of Daniel that was very intriguing. 
But any questions were always answered with “because”.  No  explanation, no showing me in scripture, no pointing me to scripture. 

I’m not saying that kids need to question when they are given instruction.  I firmly believe we need to teach our kids to follow instructions without question.  But to learn, they need to know they can ask questions and get an answer, or they will look in places we don’t want them looking. 
Our pastor pointed something out in a sermon.. We need to yearn for the word of God as we yearn for food.  Reading the Bible is our spiritual food, if we aren’t being fed spiritually, our relationship with God will starve and whither away.   We wouldn’t eat food that’s already been chewed, why would we read Bible passages that have already been chewed?  Why would we go find a book that somebody else has written about the Bible when we have the Bible? 

The only way to get to know God is to study the Bible. Really STUDY.  Not just read through, not try to beat somebody else to read through a book or the entire Bible.  Sit down and chew on the word.  Take your time, UNDERSTAND it.  God will show me what he wants me to see. 

I had thoughts for a bit to have a blog about my Bible time.  To write out what I’ve been reading and then what I think on it.  I see now that that is not my place.  For one, I’m a woman.  While God says that’s perfectly ok for me to teach my children, younger children and younger women.. I cannot guarantee that’s it’s just women that read my blog.  It’s not my place to be a pastor.  I’m a woman, women are not meant to be a head in the church. 

So if you disagree with that, you might as well stop reading this blog here and now. 

My job, as a Christian, a wife, a mom… is to fear God. To Love God. To Obey God.  To Follow God. To obey my husband.  To Love my husband. To SUBMIT to my husband.  To follow my husband wherever and in whatever he does-as long as he doesn’t go against God.  To take care of my children. To love my children. To  teach them that to  be a Christian is a wonderful, though hard, thing to do.  But it’s got the greatest reward we could ever have.  Heaven! 

I know that I cannot be a teacher on my blog.   But I also know that I cannot write another blog without intertwining God with it.  I cannot-and I will not-separate God from any part of my life again. 
Being a Christian is a lifestyle.  It’s not just a culture and it’s not just a religion. It’s my life.  My WHOLE life.  Everything I do needs to be centered around God. 

That doesn’t mean I’m perfect. That doesn’t mean I won’t sin.  That simply means I am striving to do my best to follow God in what I do. 



  1. nice blog, how do you start one?

    1. I believe if you go to it will walk you through it, but it's been years and many things have changed so I'm not sure. ~Tabitha
