Triple Clicks

Showing posts with label library. big family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library. big family. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Feeling Accomplished

 Well I did it.   After living here for 13 years I FINALLY have 99% of my books on shelves.  The rest are teacher manuals and answer keys that keep put away until needed. 

I mean, I'm feeling pretty accomplished.  I even have extra shelf space-that will remain as extra shelf space... Because who has money for more books? Not us.  But that's ok, we literally have 100s. And i'm thankful for every single one.  

You see, I'm careful with the books we allow and keep.  I want to be intentional.  I want my kids to have shelves full of books they can peruse and read without question as to whether or not they are appropriate.  While we do have 2 shelves of books (mostly computer tech books, but there a few biographies and science fiction books that we do censor to protect young minds).

While I still have lists of books we want, we are going to be more careful and intentional about what is added to our "little" library. 

There are still some shelves that need sorted and I would love to create our own Dewey Decimal system, but for right now, most things are sorted out and at least in like genres.  

Obviously the top of the shelves need some TLC-but we'll get that taken care of eventually-most of the mess is various flash cards that just need a stackable home. 

Sometime down the road we'll paint them all to be the same color... But at least until that white shelf breaks (the only "cheap Walmart shelf", the rest are homemade), we're good.  That one will definitely get replaced when it does break though.  

My husband half-jokingly calls me Belle, for my mini library... But I am thankful for these books we have received from friends, from grandparents who are willing to buy books for presents for the kids and for the ability to print classics off and bind them ourselves that helped to make up our dream library.  

I am also able to get back into reading more... Which is good because I have a stack of books waiting to be approved for young mind consumption.
