Triple Clicks

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Toddler Dress from a Pillow Case

I went through my sheets and pillowcases the other day and came out with an entire pile of extras (who needs 30 pillowcases?!?!).. So I kept the solid colors, enough for everybody to have one pillow case.  I also kept an extra sheet for each bed size (King, twin, crib and queen).   

We had some pretty crazy designs of hand-me-down pillow cases.  Our 18 month old had been trying to wear one since she found in the pile.. So I went online this morning and found this free pattern and tutorial.  Super easy, although the bodice was a little too small for my girl, it'll fit for a few months and that's just fine.. I'm honestly not sure how much longer this fabric will last anyway.

After Hannah figured out what I was doing, she went and found another pillow case. The bottom one is what I'm working with. 
Now she's supervising.. It took some convincing to get her to let go of the pillow case to let me cut. (On a side note.. you see behind Hannah? that big pile?... yeah..that's my quilting fabric. I also use an exercise ball for my sewing "chair".)

YAY!! All the pieces are cut out. 

The pattern calls for a rolled hem...  I think they are pretty simple to do by hand, but I have this foot specifically for rolled hems.. so I figured, hey-give it shot.  No. It didn't work. 

Like any dress, you have to gather the skirt to attach the yoke (that's the part that goes on your chest if you don't know).  While gathering itself is something I've learned to do by hand... I have this awesome foot.  Now... I know I'm supposed to weave it in there somewhere.. at least I think I'm supposed to...  But it wouldn't work like that... So.. I got most of it ruffled-at least enough to make it fit.

All done!!  Now, you are suppose to add a button at the back of the yoke to keep it closed... But after she tried it on, there wasn't anyway it was coming off.. And it fits tight enough we won't need the button.   It's a little shorter than I was planning, but it was a great practice run.   

Have a great week!! 


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Fabric Deals

I was finally able to get some fabric for shirt for me. 

My only pitfall was what seemed on sale was everything that didn't sell during the year, so the choices weren't that great in my opinion.  I do absolutely love one of the patterns, I wish I had gotten more of it, but I bought 2 yards of each, which will give me enough for a shirt out of each pattern. 

I LOVE that top pattern.  The white one you can kind of see peeking out... we thought it was a different color, I guess I didn't read the description clearly...  And that pink background... Yeah... that's probably going to end up as a dress for one of the girls.  But hey, for about $1.50 a yard each... really not THAT bad of choices.  

I have patterns for shirts already.  So I need to get to sewing.  I'll get at least five shirts out of all this, really not a bad price. 

I'm really looking forward to getting rid of shirts that are too small, but that couldn't be replaced until I got something different.  My ultimate wardrobe goal is to have around 5 "going out" outfits..  Some that are more hardy to wear for grocery shopping and yard work, and some that are nicer for church or family outings. These could all be mixed up by wearing with different shirts as I'm working on getting all the pants out of my wardrobe. Of course, then there's the pajama pants and t-shirts I will have to part with that I practically live in lol. 

Total cost was right around $45.  My limit was $50, so I came in under budget a  bit.  

Have a great week! 


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Meal Plan for December

So I know, it's halfway through December, but we shop the 10th to the 10th.. (ish..) So I'm calling this the December month meal plan. 

I decided to do the meal plan for my post instead of what we ended up spending... because I don't know where my husband put the receipts. LOL   I do know we came in under budget by $60, which isn't the greatest we've done, but we did pick up a few extras we saw on sale while we were out. 

We have been keeping track of our calories (and vitamins..and.. well.. everything!) on a site Dennis found.  Through that, we found we are both in need of fiber.. So we added granola to our foods this month.  We also-ok, mostly Dennis, but then he gives me all the info-take the time to search the net and find what a food has in it to make sure we get everything entered correctly.  (Like bell peppers... each color is a little different in it's calories..) It also helps us verify we are getting the correct info for not only the labeled items (because it seems Fitbit uses a database put in by it's users, so it's often wrong in it's calories according to the labels), but also for the non labeled items that we are trying to eat more of. 

We also added buckwheat (mostly just for the waffles), and exchanged our white flour for wheat flour.   I didn't get too bad of a price on those, I was worried about the price, but thanks to the local co-op in Sioux Falls, I was able to get 10 pounds of Bob's Red Mill whole wheat flour for $10 and a 22 ounce bag of Arrowhead Mills buckwheat for $5.  I thought it was going to cost more than that.  

So onward to the meal plan. 

Breakfasts pretty much stay the same, though I am going to make the kids muffins to go with cereal... With all four eating cereal most days we are going through it way too fast.  Dennis' and I's stayed the same for his workdays, except for a granola for me and a granola bar for him.  Sunday mornings we'll do biscuits and gravy with eggs .... Seems to be  a big hit around here.   Wednesdays we do cowboy hash of some version.  

Lunches for the weekdays I don't get very creative with.. The kids and I eat mac & cheese or peanut butter and jelly (ok.. I usually eat leftovers or eggs and they eat those lol). Dennis does salads with fruit and pickles for snacks at work.  
Weekends (and Wednesdays when Dennis is home) we do chicken strips and fries (Sam's has good chicken strips).   Sundays we buy chips then we stop for hot sandwiches/chicken nuggets on the way home from church.  

So onto the interesting meals lol.  

Christmas day we'll do the homemade honey ham,  Hawaiian Rolls, Pecan Pie, candied sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, corn and bacon and green beans. (Now I'm hungry....)

For our regular suppers, we'll have leftovers from Christmas for 3-4 meals afterwards..
But.. we have on the list..
Shake N Bake
Hawaiian Fajitas
Ham Bone Soup
Ham and Potato casserole
Caramelized Onion Pizza/ Cheese pizza
Pizza (Sunday evenings we eat frozen pizza)
Garlic knot Pizza
Pork Tenderloins (the flavored Smithfield ones)

I rotate the meals throughout the month.  It does seem like a lot of pizza-but the caramelized onion pizza is different than conventional pizza... The kids don't like it, so they'll get homemade personal pans. 

I'll try to get the recipes out and maybe even with pictures as we do this...  

Have a great week!!


Monday, December 11, 2017

It's December Already?

About every three months or so I tell myself I need to make a plan about blog posts.  

About every four months I still haven't done it.  

Then guess where we end up? A month without a blog post.  


So. Here we go.  

My plans.  But we all know how plans go (I think I hear laughing somewhere....or maybe it's just in my head.) 

On the home school front,  we have two more weeks then we'll taking a break... My calendar says two weeks.. We'll see how long we last.. The break we took for Thanksgiving, Andrew was begging for chores by day 2. Guess who can do laundry now!! Grace got done with her preschool papers, but I didn't think she was quite ready for the kindergarten level, so I found a book on Amazon.  She's enjoying it.   We are definitely using what we have around the house for math, science and geography next year.  I think we'll keep doing Abeka Phonics for Andrew, but we'll see after I look through choices.  (So that's a future blog post... next spring.. after I figure things out lol.)  

But for now.  Focus. 

I was able to get fabric on the Black Friday sales.  So that's a blog post, at least one, after I vacuum. 

We also got rid the troublesome air beds we've been sleeping on since May and we have a memory foam.  I'll get a blog post going on that, too.   

And a blog post on what I use all this fabric for I have stocked up.  That could get interesting.. I admit to being a fabric hoarder and all this fabric has to find a purpose or go away.  

This week I'll also get a shopping post out as it's grocery week.  

So. That's my grand plans.  We'll see how it comes along. 

Have a great week!! 


Friday, November 3, 2017

Well Laid Plans

Making lists seems to be my forte.  

Actually carrying them out and getting done what's on the list however..... 

I had some medical issues this past month...  so I've pretty much been struggling to keep up with everything.  The blog got put on the back burner.. ok ok, I forgot.  But hopefully my body is in the healing process now..

But I have a plan in place to keep up with the blog-the calenders on a computer can be good for something lol-like constant annoying reminders until you complete a task. 

The weather is cold up here now.  There was no "getting" cold.. One day it was 50, the next day it was 20 and the wind hasn't stopped since.  Now if only we could get snow, I'd be a happy camper.  The cold weather meant putting plastic and blankets over windows for extra insulation.  In our house, once it stays below freezing, it's useless to try because the sills freeze and the tape won't stick.  If you've never used the plastic insulation, you can find it at Walmart or a hardware store.. I usually get the patio door size as our windows are HUGE.  One of those will do me 3 to 4 windows (depending my ability to cut straight that day) with some leftover...usually used for patches because.. well... kids.  The girls' bedroom window plastic is now duct taped on. :/ We'll see how long THAT lasts.  

We took out our kitchen island and replaced it with a rolling cart that has drawers for produce.  I'm loving it... until Hannah takes a drawer out and plays in the produce. :/ lol Although the look on her face when she bit into a clove of garlic was priceless.  
The green laminate has to come up. I have a plan.  I just have to feel better to be able to get it done. 

That's my new cart.. The work space is roughly 1/3 of  the old island.  It's been a challenge to get used to the smaller space, but I'm getting there. 

That was $80 with free shipping on Amazon prime.  One baskets fits about a ten pound bag of potatoes, plus you can label the baskets-which I have yet to do.  It was super easy to put together (even with kids helping).  Two of the wheels lock.  The only thing I'm realizing-other than the baskets have no stops when you are pulling them out (they do have a stop in the back so they can't go all the way through)-is that I should have put a water proof coating on the top board.  That might get refinished after awhile as you can see discoloration from warm dishes or water not getting wiped off right away.  

The cart is the first step to redoing the kitchen.  It's nice to be able to walk through the kitchen without running into a huge ol' island.   We have many plans for the kitchen that doesn't require a full remodel.  But we'll do one thing at a time. 

Also in my plans is re-figuring what we use for homeschool. I LOVE Abeka.  I LOVE how it's laid out and how it keeps reviewing so you know the child understands everything... But my guy is already bored in the science and the math is way too easy for him... So we are going to rethink before we buy next year's curriculum.  The only thing I do know is that we are going to keep using their phonics and their cursive.  We'll see how math minded each of the girls gets as we move along in their education.. I'll share those plans when I know.  Grace is already almost done with her preschool curriculum, so we are moving onto the kindergarten already.  I kind of figured she'd breeze through it... She listens as I teach the older kids and has been caught helping Eva with the vowel sounds.  If that's not motivation for Eva, I don't know what is.  

So it seems that my well laid plans keep getting unraveled.  Somebody once said that when we plan, God laughs.  I feel like it must be a barrel of laughs up there.  

Have a great week! 


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

It's Been Crazy

This month has been a crazy month around here. 

I know I promised to get some meal recipes out there, but my computer decided to have a mind of it's own.  Most of my typing was done through the online keyboard, key by key... That gets frustrating at best... so I put the blog on hold until we were able to resolve the problem. 

The answer? Christmas came early for me. 

My poor ol' laptop was 5 years old... That's ancient in the computer world I'm told.  So now I need to figure out Windows 10 and a Samsung computer.. and keep Hannah's little fingers from playing Farmville with me (it's a touchscreen).  I also have to get used to not touching the mouse pad as I'm typing again.. the mouse pad on my old computer quit long ago. 

We took a break from school last week.  I called it a mental health week for mommy... Andrew called it fall break. :D 

I had plans to get a lot of things done.. I got one thing done. :/ I got the plastic put on the windows I can get to to keep it warmer this year.  

I still have a long sewing list to get to.  

I'm also in search of my laundry fairy.. She seems to have run away....Or got eaten by a spider... lol 

There really isn't much going on here.  School, work for Dennis and he's doing awesome at his weight loss goal, play, clean.  Sleep happens in there every once in awhile. 

Have a great week!


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Grocery List for September

My grocery list coincides with my meal plan.  The meal plan is the post below.  

After I get done with the meal plan, I go through every single thing we are eating and write down everything we need for every meal-even if I know I have it in the cupboard.  This way I am less likely to forget an ingredient.  Then I go through and mark off my list what we have, or mark down the amount we need to buy depending on what we have.  

After that, I go into my spreadsheet and type in what we need, and how many.  (I can't get my spreadsheet to upload.... so please bare with me.)  
My husband is a spreadsheet wizard-spreadsheets are his favorite thing. Seriously.  Everything has a spreadsheet. EVERYTHING. EVERY.THING.  So he taught me how to use a spreadsheet....because the 6 months of using it at a job I had in high school wasn't enough to drill it into my head. 

So my spreadsheet. I have two tabs.  One is ad sales. One is the shopping list. 

The Ad Sales tab.  Pretty self- explanatory.  (Bunny trail..I've been told I type like I learned on an old typewrite...BECAUSE I DID... so if my use of spaces seem excessive, blame my grandma.)  I have it separated by stores.  Under each store are 3 columns-item name, cost, size, sale ending date.  I just go through the ads and fill things in..  Because we usually buy the same things all the time, it's a pretty simple process to figure out what I need the prices for, but if I see something that looks like it would be different, I go ahead and make a note of the price. If I can fit it in the budget, it goes on the final list.  

My shopping list tab.  Again, pretty self-explanatory, and also a little redundant of how the ad sale sheet is set up. It's separated out by stores.  Each store has 5 columns, I also utilize the awesome algorithms a spread sheet can give you.... I think that's the right word.  My columns: Item name (I get brand specific here if something is on sale or I have a coupon for it), price per each, how many needed, total cost of item, total cost of store.  Now, so my algorithms don't get erased I only delete the name, price per each and how many.  I have the total cost of each item in there so it multiplies the cost per each and how many needed as I put prices and amounts in. The total cost per store ads up the column of the total cost per item.  Follow me?   There is a few more cells with an algorithm.  One cell adds up all the columns of the total store costs.  One cell tells me what my budget is, one cell tells me if I have anything left over from last month's budget.  Once I get it all figured, I subtract what we have left from what it will cost... If it exceeds the budget, something has to be crossed off somewhere, we start with snacks.  Now sometimes, halfway through the month we budget a bit so I can to the local store and get some snacks.  That depends on how the bills go. 

So here's my shopping list and what I'm guessing on spending at each store.  I always round up or overestimate, that ensures I have enough money with the food tax. Especially with the fresh veggies and fruit.

Walmart $110
Whole Dill Pickles
Pita Bread
Strip Steak
Pineapple Salsa
Dry Ranch Seasoning
Shake N Bake Mix 
Ice Cream Bars
Tartar Sauce
Color Bleach
Hamburger Patties

Aldi's $181
Spaghetti Sauce
Crescent Rolls
Stick Butter
Hot Dog Buns
Cinnamon Rolls
Brown Sugar
Sunflower seeds
Sweet Pepper
Sliced Colby Cheese
Sliced Pepperjack Cheese
Biscuit Dough
Olive Oil
Sweet potatoes
Red Onion
Baking Chips

Costco $290
Kerrygold butter
Nutty Bars
Shredded Cheese
Bacon Bits
Cream Cheese
Hot Dogs
Fig Brs
Parmesan Reggiano
Chicken Breast
Peanut  Butter
Hot Dogs

Dollar Tree $20
Onion Powder
dried Chives
basil bleach
wax paper
coloring books
air freshener
bath tub toys

Bakery outlet $10

Deep Creek Honey $13

Now that I'm done with shopping I can post the final results after I pick my husband up off the floor from his reaction to how much money spent. (Just kidding.)  

So with my prices, I was expecting to spend $626...  Our budget (with help with groceries) is $600.    So about half of that out of pocket.  

We spent $487.22.     I'm happy when I can make it home in under $500.  Costco and Aldi's are definitely helping with the cost.  I have yet to go to Dollar Tree, I will do that this weekend with my mom.  I'm expecting $15 there.  

After a few months of Costco, I am learning a few things.  We need to go to Sam's to get a few things.  Chicken-while I LOVE the packaging Costco has, the chicken is cheaper in price in Sam's.  Although that decision is debatable as Costco's chicken is organic.  Canned Fruit... My husband eats canned fruit on a daily basis for work.  There might be a few other things in there... but in reality, we are really loving the decision to get a Costco membership.   

Have a great week!!
