Triple Clicks

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Attempting to Be Healthier With a Carnivorish Diet

 My husband started carnivore in September. He is trying to lose weight.  He is doing incredibly well.  The cost and learning to cook things a new way is daunting.  I suppose you could say he is also doing it with intermittent fasting, he skips a meal a day, although we do keep cheese, cooked bacon and boiled eggs around just in case he feels like he needs a snack, then he has something healthy.  

I tried full carnivore for a week.... I know it was sugar withdrawal, but I couldn't stand myself, so I started eating sugar and carbs again...  End of November, I had two teeth pulled... well, mostly just the roots-my teeth are in horrible shape...  One of the roots was clear down in jaw bone still..... It's still healing, but almost there.  I was put on a full liquid diet for a week (no straws, mind you)... I automatically started fruit smoothie bowls with protein powder, only to send my blood sugar for a loop... Because I had been cutting back sugars for a few months, so to go from less sugar to nothing but sugar, even though it was healthy sugar (fruit) my system didn't know what to do with me.  

So as soon as I could stand chewing again, I started cooking steaks and eating that..  I've slowly been working back in crumby and more foods as the hole in my mouth heals.  We're getting there.  But being put on a diet to avoid crumby foods for an entire month has helped me cut way back on the sugar and carbs.  

It's hard to go on a way of eating where the two rules are eat meat and only eat when you're hungry when, by all accounts, I probably would have been diagnosed with an eating at least one point in my life...  Honestly, I can go a day without eating some days... So I force myself to eat at least two meals some days.  

Some days it's as simple as sausage patties with cheese on top... other days I actually eat better meals, steak, hamburgers, cheeseburgers... Stuff like that.  I hate eggs.... Not a huge fan of yogurt...  Previously my breakfasts have been toast with cream cheese and jelly, or cream cheese and chocolate chips.  but I couldn't eat bread for 2 weeks nor could I eat yogurt for those two weeks because I was on two antibiotics.  

When I'm home, I can go make a hamburger or cheeseburger real quick.. Sometimes I put sauce on top (A1 or Arby's is a favorite right now).  

Your probably wondering how we afford that much steak.... I buy roasts, prime rib, chuck... A 8 pound roast is around $10 a pound and gives 8-9 steaks (there's tutorials on YouTube).  When I buy ground, I make a lot of patties all at once so it's easy to just grab a patty or two.  Costco prices are some of the best per pound around here.  

Personally, one of my biggest trials since the baby was born last year was my weight... it never went down.  My wedding ring stopped fitting... I finally got it off a few months ago and am now trying to heal my finger-it was pretty tight and the pattern of the underside of my ring in on my finger even after 4 months of not wearing it.  I would absolutely LOVE to be able to put that ring back on...  but in all reality, I'm HEALTHIER now. I feel better now. I don't have near the amount of low blood sugar, low blood pressure episodes I used to have.  I have energy.   I'm just fine with being at this weight.  For now, I'll wear a cheap silicone band that I had previously bought to wear during pregnancy (NOT PREGNANT).  

The BMI charts put me at obese....But I'm not listening to them... Because if I feel healthier.  I would absolutely LOVE to heal, or even approve my arthritis and carpal tunnel... There's so many reports of people on carnivore being able to heal those.  But I don't know if that will ever happen... it's certainly not improving, but then, I'm not full on carnivore either. 

I know I'm a emotional eater....  And there's still some part of me that wants to splurge "on the kids" and get them those sweet treats...  But the amount of sweets and treats I'm keeping in the house are getting a little less... I'm working on balancing for more salty.  I don't feel right giving up fruit.. Vegetables, I could honestly take them or leave them... A salad is nice here and there-but my salads are more toppings than actual salad-always have been.  I'm not giving up cinnamon rolls-not gonna happen.  But I make a batch every few weeks, when they are gone, they are gone.. And with 7 kids, believe me, one batch MIGHT make it a full two days.  For the most part, I don't crave chocolate or bready foods much anymore.  

I'm also working out three-four times a week-past what I get with housework.  I want to keep my heart and lungs healthy.  

Even with all of these changes, I'm still hovering around 140 lbs.  I'm 5 ft.  But I feel good... and quite frankly, our bodies are supposed to change.  I don't want to be back to the 100 lbs I was in high school.  Honestly, my only thing I want to change in my weight is to be able to get my wedding ring back on... but I'm not entirely sure it's my weight causing the issue, I think it's arthritis swelling my knuckles-and that's probably not ever going away.  

I want to be able to go outside and work on the yard with the kids for more than a few hours because I have to stop from exhaustion.  I want to be able to go on  a mile or two walk and not be winded at the end.  I could care less about my weight, I don't care about "the baby weight" or the "mom belly",  I just want to be healthy-for my husband and my kids.  


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Starting Again

I'm sitting here attempting to meal plan and write a grocery shopping list. 


I know I need to do this, not just for my sanity, but for the budget. 

But I can't.  I can't even eke out 3 days of meals.  

It's so overwhelming trying to figure all of this out.  This is the 5th time I've attempted since school started and I can't get it done.  

What is going on in my mind?  

I'm also binging Jordan Page YouTube shows. Reminding myself how to do things....

This is the best way to help and to save us money but I can't make myself do it and I don't understand why.  

I have a feeling this is all related to the post-partum anxiety I was dealing with last year... But that doesn't mean I know how to combat it. I mean, I can't exactly go to the doctor and say "hey, I think I'm dealing with anxiety".....  They threatened to take my kids away over a slight risk of my baby having markers for possible jaundice (she didn't have any high amounts, nowhere near it even the lab techs couldn't figure out why we were there), but they threatened because I wanted to take her home and get her in sunshine.  If I tell the doctor I'm having anxiety attacks, what would they actually do?  

I know  my only hope is The Great Physician (God).  

I need to stop trying and give it up to God.  

I learned something this morning while reading in Joshua 1.  The original meaning of 'courage'.  Today, we think of it as having bravery and valor... it's original meaning was more the state of the mind.  God kept telling Joshua to "be strong and of good courage".   He was reminding and reinforcing to Joshua that not only did he need the physical strength to lead the people into the  land now known as Israel, but to keep a good attitude, demeanor and treat people in a way to show them he was God's man.  

I keep finding things in the Bible I would love to put on the wall and make posters or something out of... the problem is, I only have so much wall space. 

Sorry, this was a little scattergoried this week.... I don't know if my brain being everywhere is a result of unseen anxiety, or a result of trying to cut back sugar and carbs (as I stare down a homemade chocolate chip cookie)......  but it's getting on my nerves. :/  


Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Change of Diet

 My husband has been on a weight loss journey for about 6 years..  He's trying to lose the weight through lifestyle change, not something fast.. He did slip up in the middle of it and give up.  But he's trying again and doing awesome.  

He has stalled for the past 8 months, but hasn't gone over 440.  Which is awesome (he started at 520).  Now, he is ready to try hard again.  So here we go.  

He has decided to try the carnivore diet-it is what it sounds from everything I can gather.  Just meat, very little to no anything else.  

Quite frankly, I'm a little intimidated.  

We're trying to keep grocery costs down as much as we can, and now to add in more high cost items such as meat, I'm a little intimated.  However, from everything we've been reading and hearing about it, Once his body gets used to eating the meat, he won't need to eat as often. One to two times a day instead of 3 and feeling like he needs snacks in the middle.   

So, I'm going to take what I know about grocery sales and do my best.  We're told the first few weeks the "worst" because he's used to eating so often, so he'll go through more the first weeks while his body adjusts.  

This week so to start him off for lunches while he's at work, I've made chislic, boiled eggs, bacon and drumsticks with garlic and onion.  

We have no idea how much he's going to eat, so we'll see if I'll have to make more midweek or not.  


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Feeling Accomplished

 Well I did it.   After living here for 13 years I FINALLY have 99% of my books on shelves.  The rest are teacher manuals and answer keys that keep put away until needed. 

I mean, I'm feeling pretty accomplished.  I even have extra shelf space-that will remain as extra shelf space... Because who has money for more books? Not us.  But that's ok, we literally have 100s. And i'm thankful for every single one.  

You see, I'm careful with the books we allow and keep.  I want to be intentional.  I want my kids to have shelves full of books they can peruse and read without question as to whether or not they are appropriate.  While we do have 2 shelves of books (mostly computer tech books, but there a few biographies and science fiction books that we do censor to protect young minds).

While I still have lists of books we want, we are going to be more careful and intentional about what is added to our "little" library. 

There are still some shelves that need sorted and I would love to create our own Dewey Decimal system, but for right now, most things are sorted out and at least in like genres.  

Obviously the top of the shelves need some TLC-but we'll get that taken care of eventually-most of the mess is various flash cards that just need a stackable home. 

Sometime down the road we'll paint them all to be the same color... But at least until that white shelf breaks (the only "cheap Walmart shelf", the rest are homemade), we're good.  That one will definitely get replaced when it does break though.  

My husband half-jokingly calls me Belle, for my mini library... But I am thankful for these books we have received from friends, from grandparents who are willing to buy books for presents for the kids and for the ability to print classics off and bind them ourselves that helped to make up our dream library.  

I am also able to get back into reading more... Which is good because I have a stack of books waiting to be approved for young mind consumption.



Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Catching Up On The Crazy of Life

 We've spent all summer cleaning up the yard from last year's storm damage and the general maintenance that comes with having a ton of trees. I'm thankful for trees, I'm thankful for the shade they provide.  But right now, I'm sick and tired of trees. 

Now we're actually getting onto cleaning out the garage. 

I had great plans this summer.. Building shelves, building things to be able to USE my kitchen cupboards. Well. None of that happened. 

I'm just now getting to a corner bookshelf.  Every time I think I have it done, something else needs adjusted to make it sturdy. :/  I did finally get up the courage to use the circle saw.  Now I feel a little sheepish for not using it earlier.  

My shelves definitely need some reinforcement...But I personally think it doesn't look TOOOO bad.  I'm  debating if I need to budget money for paint... Because I used my boards  to write measurements so I wouldn't loose them lol. 

I've also been re-binding books.  Our poor books are so loved they are literally falling apart.  So I went on YouTube and learned.  Here's a hymnal I've done recently-needed resewn and rebound.  that was quite the experience.  

We'll see how far I get.  

My parents made some other shelves for me.  One of the ones they made was for Barbie supplies for hte girls-it needs some sturdy that can withstand everyone from the one year old to the 11 year old.  The plastic ones from Dollar Tree have lasted about a year now, but I was hoping to find a better solution.  

I also need some sort of storage solution for beside my chair... Which could get interesting as I now have a very comfy-almost too comfy-overstuffed chair.  My husband laughs every time I sit down because I almost disappear in the chair.  

I still want to fix my lack of storage in the kitchen.. and the floor still needs redone.... But, one thing at a time-none of that is counting everything else on my list... 

Anxiety now on high.  


Tuesday, August 8, 2023


 Sometimes being a parent means you have to put on a happy face. 

Sometimes being a parent means you have to tell your kids everything will be ok-even if you have no idea if everything will be ok. 

Sometimes being a parent means you get the kids in bed and you collapse into yours, crying, and then crying out to God because you are so scared you have no idea what to do next. 


Sometimes you might have to break your kids' hearts because you have to think long term... Or you have to take them away from something that they love. Even though you know it's good for them, but the money isn't there or the time..... or simply, the ability.  

The looming thought of the impending heart break.... 

The scrambling, trying to find a way around it. Trying to find a way to not have to break their hearts... Crying because you know that no matter what-it's not going to work.  

Without a miracle.  

Praying, hoping for a miracle. 

But planning, knowing full well that God's answer may be "no". God's answer may be "not here", "not now".  "BE PATIENT, my child."  

Going forward with a plan,  knowing it will take away one of the few constants they have ever known.  Without knowing where you'll go next.  

I'm utterly terrified. 

I know God has a plan-I just wish I knew what his plan was.  

In the meantime, crying when they are not in the room. Planning for what I can plan for-and knowing that there is probably going to be so many more tears to come and not just from me.  

Psalm 89:1 

I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever:

With my mouth will I make known

thy faithfulness to all


1 Peter 5:6-7

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty

hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

Casting all your care upon him; 

for he careth for you. 

I just read this through and realized the so many different ways it can be taken, so let me assure you (especially since I think it's mostly family that reads this...) Dennis (my handsome hubby) and I are just fine.  No marriage troubles, I promise.  It's everything else. :) 


Friday, July 28, 2023

Somebody Explain...Because It Doesn't Make Sense

 I don't get it. 

When you leave something because you are unhappy with it, you are looking for something that makes sense, something that works for you, something that makes you happy-whatever the reason you left, you are clearly looking for a change.  You find that change, you like this new way....then you start to make subtle changes that is going to make the new thing like the thing you just left. 

I don't get it. 

If you liked the old that well, then stay there. 

You leave your  home country because the new government system has turned it to a mud hole (to say it nicely)... You go to a new country and expect to get handouts, expect a free ride.  Guess what? Nothing is free.  Not even freedom. 

You leave a church because you don't like the direction the church going-whichever direction, if not all, that may be... Then you find a new church and either complain because it's not like the old one, or try to change everything to make it like the old one.   

My current personal favorite....

You leave the public school system...  

Look, we get it. The public school system is broken. It's flailing and failing.  It's going so far into left field you've lost the ball. 

But do everyone who values homeschooling a favor. We homeschool for the flexibility it gives us for our kids and we don't want to make it look like a public school.  Actual schooling takes 3-4 hours TOPS.. And that depends on the level and how focused the kids are.  

You know you know how a child learns? How much they TALK  about it.  Take a kid to the zoo and they find a favorite animal then talk about it for months on end.  

You don't need somebody else's translation of what happened.  Find an autobiography. Gutenberg press has many of them-for free, Kindle versions, Nook versions, PDF versions you can print. 

Yes, I understand there are state requirements for tests because they are worried more about homeschoolers falling through the cracks than public schooled kids.  But you don't need tests to know they learned.  

I passed most of my tests in public school (except chemistry.... seriously.. why did I even need chemistry?  So I knew how to set the school lab on fire?....).. You know what I remember? Spanish... well, watching The Fast and Furious movies in Spanish Class... American History and Science Fiction Literature Class.. Because those were the only teachers who cared about their students to make sure they understood the lessons.  3 classes-out of 4 years. 3 classes.  Do I remember all the intricate details about how to speak the Spanish language? Nope... But I do remember the inappropriate words in the Fast and Furious Movies (here's a life tip-be careful of the music work crews you hire are listening to... especially if you are living in a parsonage).  

You don't need endless worksheets to drill it into your child. Most textbooks have the repetition worked in.  


Simple can be-and is-quite effective. 

It's even better than complicated. 

I don't need endless hours of worksheets for busy work.  

I certainly don't need "oh I was a public school teacher so my way is best".  

But it's so easy to get an email-"Homeschool Summit!!! Are you doing enough?!?!" and think-oh I'm not doing enough, I need to join-after all it's FREE-and learn what I'm not doing so I can put more on my plate and be more overwhelmed with all the extras that aren't needed. 

It's so easy to justify.. Well, the public school system has entire days of movie days, entire days of checking in and checking out books... Field Trips.. Shoot, in Kindergarten to fifth grade they take a walk around town, spend half the day and call it a school day..  It's so easy to set the bar so low to equate yourself to public school...... 

Teaching cursive, phonics and memorizing the math facts will already put you fields ahead of many in the public school system. Throw in the Bible, apologetics and REAL history. 

Tell me, WHAT was the Civil War about? WHY did we actually fight for freedom in the Revolutionary War? WHY did the founders come so willingly to a country they probably thought they would die in very quickly?  Why were we once known as the Promised Land to so many immigrants? 

Kids used to learn to read with McGuffey's.  Have you ever looked at the first few pages of McGuffey's primer?  It's got the upper case letters and the lower case letters.  That's it.  The end.  That was reading and copy work all in one. 

Kids used to learn maths by copying fact tables until they could say them without looking. That's it. Once they knew fact tables, all four functions up to 20, they sometimes moved on, more often than not they were done... Because that's ALL THEY NEEDED TO KNOW for most of the jobs. 

Anyone who needed more went on to university.  

Kids read the Bible once they could read.  History, math, science, character training all in one text.  

You want more complicated math-convert a recipe, then make it. 

If your child can read and understand Shakespeare, they can read and understand the Bible.  

Do you want to know my theory on why nobody reads blogs anymore? Everyone wants Vlogs? Because from my generation down, reading comprehension has gone out the window. 

I can't tell you how many times I was told IN HIGH SCHOOL "oh you can't understand that, then you get put in the SPED class for English."  

I was told once to pick a book to read to write a report on.  Preferably a classic-but she wasn't picky as long as it wasn't romance. I picked a book by Nathaniel Hawthorne off our shelves.. Now I'd already read and understood this book at least twice.  I took it in to be approved and quickly laughed at and told I was too stupid to understand the Old English in it. Do you know what happens when you tell a child or a teenager they are stupid? They start to believe it. You know what happens when they hear it enough? They DO believe it.  Do you know the ONE THING  I remember from my AP English courses in high school? That I was told repeatedly I was too stupid.  

The biggest takeaway I had from public school? I was too stupid. The teachers didn't care because my family didn't have money. The teachers didn't care because I wasn't a cheerleader or an athlete.  I didn't have the best voice-because there was kids who were being trained in opera so of course they had to get the solos, no one else need not try because no one else was good enough. 


At all costs, know what is going into their heads.  No human loves your children as you, their parent.  No matter how much they care, you are the parent.  

Now, off my soap box...

I was always worried about teaching English, because I know (or think....) I am not strong in English. 

English, they will learn by reading language-rich books.  Don't know a word? GREAT! Here's a dictionary. 

I am now more scared that they are not learning true history.  

Because now, even the best homeschool curriculums have changed history...

and that-should terrify anyone who knows the real reason why wars were fought. 
